Anil Bajracharya

Developer,a tech enthusiastic who's passionate about learning new technology and programming Find me on linkedin linkedin

Create multiple Zip Files and Download in Laravel application

In Laravel, you can create multiple zip files and download them using the built-in "ZipArchive" class and the "File" facade.…

1 year ago

Laravel Google Bar Chart

In Laravel, you can create a Google bar chart using the "laravel-gcharts" package. Install the "consoletvs/charts" package by running the…

1 year ago

Laravel generate QR code

There are several ways to generate QR codes in Laravel. One way is to use a package called "Simple QrCode".…

1 year ago

How To Restrict User Access From IP Address In Laravel

In Laravel, you can restrict user access from specific IP addresses by creating a middleware that checks the user's IP…

1 year ago

Laravel batch process

In Laravel, you can use the built-in command-line task scheduler to run batch processes. The scheduler allows you to define…

1 year ago

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