
Organic traffic for your website

Organic traffic is really one of the best and accepted traffic amidst bloggers.

New sites might have to wait for 3 – 6months. This is very simple,Google has to trust the sites before they could rank on search engines.

A new blog that is expecting to get organic traffic must be ready to do all these listed on these posts:

Target Long Tail Keywords

This is the part where newbie bloggers fail. A new blog won’t be given access to rank when it comes to competitive keywords. so for you to rank and lead a successful blog for organic traffic,you must learn to write long tails keywords read this. In 2016,I discovered that people prefer to search for long tails keywords like “how long will it take to improve my seo” but hardly use the “improve my seo” , which is the short tail keywords,A new blogger should try to Target Long Tail keywords,It helps a lot.

Input Site On Search Console

Google is not a Superman or Batman,it can’t guess all the sites on Google at once unless you create an awareness for them.Google Search Console is a popular tool that allows you input your site url for Google indexing,It doesn’t take any time,all you need to do is fill in your site details and get started by verifying using their meta tags,You can access the Google Search Console – CLICK HERE

High Quality Words

Content really matters in the search engine optimization,both for bloggers and also youtubers. High Quality keywords are always highly welcomed on Google,In 2008,Any site could just find their way up to Google search without having to work for it much,But now Google policy has changed,because users began to demand for high quality text,here is a tip on how to become a successfully blogger,it is easy,all you have to do is target long tail keywords and make sure your posts aren’t lower than 500+ words.

Presence Of Keywords

This is also one of the strategy that has helped me build a wonderful blog post and also one of the biggest community for bloggers,You must learn how to use your keywords appropriately to avoid over stuffing your posts,Here is a post on how to use your keywords in your posts the post will help you sync your keywords with your posts perfectly.

Why Does SEO Take Time?

SEO takes time for a lot of different reasons. The biggest and most important variables that come into play include,Let’s break down these SEO factors.

1. Domain

How old is your website? How’s your site’s relationship with Google? Were you ever penalized? Have you ever worked with a sketchy SEO company?

Having a new website can work for you or against you. You have no prior relationship with Google, so it takes longer than usual (6 months or even a year) for your pages to rank higher. The bright side is, it gives you full control over how Google treats your site moving forward.

Older sites and pages tend to rank better than new ones. Of course, it’s not cut-and-dry as there are other factors to take into account as well. (Please note, simply buying an old domain shouldn’t be an SEO tactic within itself if you’re trying to rank a site)

Have you been affected negatively by a Google algorithm update?

Websites that have been penalized by Google need a lot of SEO work to regain the search engine’s trust. Buying backlinks from spam websites, content scraping, thin content, low quality content, lots of duplicate content and keyword stuffing are some black hat SEO tactics that have a propensity for penalties.

Domain names with a target keyword in them may allow the searcher to understand what the site is about faster and thus getting a click. However, Google has made some changes over the past decade to change the way people optimize their URL with keywords in them (aka EMD or “exact match domains”).

2. Location

Targeting potential customers on a local, national, or global scale has a huge impact on the progression of your SEO campaign. Local SEO is much easier because you are only targeting a smaller demographic.

However, this isn’t always the case as there are a lot of highly saturated local niche businesses, and therefore you may be going up against more established, more authoritative competitors.

Ultimately, you will see tangible results more quickly if you are serving a specific location in a less competitive space. It is much easier to compete with 10 local businesses than 1,000 national or global businesses that all sell the same services or products.

3. Content

Do you have enough content on your website? How good and relevant is it? Are all of the right pages being indexed?

A huge part of SEO hinges on the use of content creation and the relevance of your content to your ultimate buyer. It only makes sense to produce content to leverage the power of answering the questions of the searcher, which ultimately results in better search visibility for your own URL.

There’s also nice correlations between the amount of content pages or blog posts you create and the number of inbound leads you generate. According to a Hubspot study, 16 blog posts or more a month resulted in 3.5 more website traffic. More traffic = more leads (especially if your site is setup for conversion.)

All that extra traffic is nice but many companies leave a lot of extra traffic and leads on the table because they stop there and push content distribution aside. There are over 4 million blog posts published on the web every day. Having a promotional strategy is key.

After keyword research is done, and the content is written, getting in front of the right people at the right time will help your SEO improve. How is that related? Because website traffic and the interaction of the content (both on and offsite) is seen by Google. Google associates that readership with positive SEO signals.

4. Backlink Profile

What websites are linking to yours? How relative & authoritative are they?

Google uses a trust score that has a significant influence on how your website can progress in the SERPs. This trust score is determined by the quality of inbound links.

Inbound links are also deemed to be the strongest and most important ranking signal right now. The volume of high-quality, relevant websites linking to yours only tells Google that you are trustworthy.

But not all backlinks are created equal.

Some are low quality; some are pure spam. Not only these types of links are futile, but they could also hurt your SEO.

Unnatural link growth — a sudden spike of backlinks within a short period — is something you should avoid, too. Google might get a hint you are buying spammy links or doing guest posts for links purposes solely.

If this abrupt increase in backlink volume comes from media coverage or successful content marketing efforts, then you should get a pass.

Ultimately, backlinks can help expedite your SEO efforts. “How long does it take for backlinks to take effect?” you might ask. It only takes a few days for Google to notice backlinks. However, it takes 10 weeks on average for a new backlink to help a page move a notch higher in the SERPs.

The SEO agency you use or people you work with internally on SEO initiatives should be able to analyze your backlink profile.


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