
Why no views on TikTok?(How to fix)

What if you’ve been using TikTok for quite a while and still don’t get the results you want? What if you follow every rule, don’t post content involving kids and you still don’t get those views? Let’s talk about the most common reasons.

Your videos are too few and far between.

If you hardly ever post any videos and when you do, it’s once in a week or two, your followers simply forget about you. You just stop being an interesting account to follow.

You use old and irrelevant trends.

As I said, trends on TikTok change every week. If you make a video on a dated trend that doesn’t cause all that much hype anymore, the chance you get any views on that video is close to zero.
Watch top users, check out popular tags and trends and make sure you get with the program.

Unoriginal, highly derivative, and/or repetitive content.

Yes, there are many people who base their content on something popular bloggers do. It might be okay from time to time but don’t expect this kind of content to be extremely popular.

Bad video quality.

No one says you must necessarily buy expensive professional equipment if you really want to be a TikTok star. After all, it’s a mobile app, and the majority of videos here are filmed using smartphones. Just remember that filming with decent lighting is a key to success. No one will be interested in a video that hurts their eyes.

Irrelevant hashtags.

Make sure that you place your video in categories it should be in based on its content and not just any category in existence. People use hashtags to search for videos and if your video happens to be irrelevant to their search request, they’ll pay zero attention to it.

Technical issues during publication.

Make sure that your video is available to all viewers and that the video file was uploaded without any issues. However surprising it sounds, this is quite a common reason for lack of views. Just double-check if everything is alright with your video after uploading it

You’ve just created a TikTok account.

If you are only at the beginning of your TikTok adventure and created a profile a few days ago, lack of views on your videos is completely normal. Try to follow some other users in your niche, post comments to other videos to make them notice you and you’ll be fine.

How to fix

There are following tips to grow on TikTok from the point of 0 views and 0 followers,

Post More Than 3x Per Day

Contrary to social media etiquette on sites like Instagram, TikTok welcomes creators that blast out content. In fact, you are rewarded for posting multiple times per day AND going live. When I go live on the app, TikTok delivers new followers to my account to watch my live and interact with my content. Additionally, TikToks don’t “compete” with each other in the algorithm. You can blast out three per day and have all three go viral in a different segment. It’s triple the opportunity to grow a following.

Strictly Stick to a Niche

It’s common knowledge to stick to a niche with social media marketing today, but it’s even more important on TikTok. Algorithm students on the app have noticed that TikTok gives your account a “chance” to go viral every so often. If your video performs horribly, it won’t give you a chance for a little bit. Therefore, the algorithm will come to associate your account with the hashtags you use on all of your videos. Hashtags aren’t the same on TikTok as they are on Instagram; on TikTok, they are used to categorize your content. So, your top five hashtags you use on all of your videos should describe every video you ever post. When have deviated from my brand with new video concepts, I have been punished in video views. The answer: just make other TikTok accounts for your passions.

Yes, You Have to Dance

TikTok is all about dancing. The biggest platform content creators, like Charlie D’Amelio, amassed multi-million followings from their innate dancing abilities. I put off dancing in my marketing videos for a few weeks, and when I finally tried it, my engagement went up. I am a terrible dancer, which means you do not need to be good at dancing. TikTok users just want to see you at least make the effort. The whole point of TikTok is to leave the seriousness of LinkedIn, the stuffiness of Instagram, and the invasiveness of Facebook behind.

Be the First to Comment on Your TikTok

It is common TikTok etiquette to be the first one to post on your video. In fact, I’ve seen big creators post twice on their videos with follow up information they weren’t able to include in the TikTok. This is a great way to get your followers chatting which, of course, helps boost the reach of your TikTok. Be sure to answer every single commenter as well – it could create a conversation that other people want to contribute to and share with their friends.

Create Content for Re-Watches

It is generally accepted that the most important metric TikTok measures for “virality” is that of re-watching. If someone watches your TikTok 10-times before they scroll past it, TikTok is going to reward the video. Why? The whole point of TikTok is to keep you inside the app, looking at the paid-for advertisements. If they think your content is going to keep other people inside their app longer, they are going to blast it out. In order to create content that gets people to re-watch it, you have the following three options.

  • Go for crazy, shocking, and unique content that is completely one of a kind.
  • Pack a ton of information into a quick video that requires the viewer to watch it again.
  • Tug on heartstrings with a TikTok that tells a story. We all want to read our favorite stories over and over again.

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