Self Help

The Fastest Way To Achieve Success Is To First Help Others Succeed.

Without a doubt, the fastest way to achieve success is to first help others succeed. Yet, there seems to be a belief in the business world that the only way to get ahead is to only watch out for ‘number one’. That is simply not the case.Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. The fact is that our greatest successes in life often come through helping others to succeed, and without question, when you focus on helping others succeed your eventual payoff will always be far greater than your investment.

Here are five ways that everyone can help others to succeed, and in turn find greater success themselves:

1:Pay attention to the details of other people’s lives.

When you make the effort to remember the important details of others’ lives, such as their spouse’s name, their children, their hobbies, etc. your ability to be a positive impact in their life increases tremendously. It lets the other person know how important they are to you. It lets them know that you truly care about their life. The more a person knows that you genuinely care about them, the more they will in turn move heaven and earth to help you with the things you want. And with the contact tracking tools available on our electronic devices today, it is incredibly simple to make quick notes about people so your memory can always be fresh.

2:Help people connect by sharing your network with others.

Be willing to introduce people to others you know who can help advance or forward their goals. When you have a networking event to attend, invite people to come with you that could benefit from expanding their network as well. The more you open up your network to others, the more you will find your own network expanding, and you might just be amazed at the incredible contacts you end up receiving from the most unlikely people.

3:Inspiring a person is worth far more than motivating a person:

You can motivate an employee with a raise or a fancy title, and for a time they will feel motivated to work harder to show their appreciation. But after a while, they begin to forget the additional money and the fancier title, because those have now become the “norm,” and you’ll find that once again they are back to needing added motivation to take their performance to the next level. On the other hand, if you inspire your brother or sister nor your uncle nor your aunty by treating them with respect and frequently letting them know, in a sincere way, just how much you appreciate them and the contribution they are making, you will find that they are constantly motivated to increase their efforts. Inspiring others is the ultimate form of perpetual motivation.

4:Attention to detail is key to success..

If you want to help other people succeed, you need to know what matters to them. Not everyone’s “success” is measured as zeros on the bottom line. For some, it’s the chance to get home early to be with their family, for others the opportunity to be recognised in front of their peers or spend some time with someone they admire. When you pay attention to the details and learn to understand what drives someone, you can help them tap into their motivation to push their life forward. If you don’t have a great memory make notes. Be sincere. Carefully for the people around you if you want to succeed.

5:Connect them with other successful people.

One of the best ways to learn how to do something is by talking to someone who has already done it. When you connect someone else with a successful person, you are helping them learn from the best.

You can do this by making introductions for them or by simply providing them with contact information. Offer your time and advice.
Helping someone set and achieve goals can be one of the most rewarding things you can do. When someone accomplishes a goal, they feel empowered and motivated to continue on their journey.
This will require some effort on your part, but it is worth it.


No matter what you do in life, remember that it’s always more satisfying to help others achieve success. When we help others succeed, we are doing more than just giving them a helping hand.

In order to be successful you must help others succeed and as you climb you help others climb
In order to be successful you must climb the ladder looking out for numero uno first and foremost

People in leadership sometimes think that if they just let people that work for them do their own thing they are being a good leader. There is no micromanaging but also no pushing them to growth, no encouraging words, no thoughtful insights on how they can do better, no opening doors for them, no help… just letting them be. Sink or swim/do or die homey. Is that really what a good leader does?


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