
Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs

Political scientist

Even though this job is listed in the 10th

It is still capable of earning you $115,000


year. For this job, an applicant must have

a Master’s degree as an initial requirement.

The US has a large list of universities that

You can easily find it with just a couple of clicks.


An actuary is a business professional that

specializes in evaluating risk. They’re

specialized in financial and timing forecasting

impact of uncertain future events.

large amounts of data. According to the US

education system, the first step in becoming

Obtaining a Bachelor’s degree is the first step toward becoming an actuary.

And the wow factor is that the job pays $116,000.


If I had to define optometrist in two words, I would say

In other words, I would say an “eye doctor.” To


For optometrists, you have to complete a 4-year

bachelor’s degree program, preferably in a

relevant fields such as biology, chemistry,

or physiology. No wonder, a doctorate can


Annual salary of up to $119,980

Manager, business operations

Business operations managers are the go-to

various men and women who help various

a department within the company to achieve

their goals. Generally, a BOM hires people.

He negotiates contracts and handles general business.

business issues. The applicants are being

They are paid $123,000 per year and must have

a Bachelor’s degree in business.

Sales Manager

If you have unmatched convincing skills and

I love talking to people. I must say this is

your kind of job. To be a sales manager, you

You must have several soft skills. However, the

The Bachelor’s degree is the prerequisite.

Fortunately, nowadays, giant corporations are

I favor skills and experience. A sales supervisor

People in the United States can earn up to $140,000 per year.


Marketing manager

Management is quite a tough job to do and

when it is about marketing management.

Trust me, you have to be a diplomatic person.

Well, moving on to qualifications, An

candidate with a Bachelor’s degree in Sales

and marketing can apply for this job. and,

If you are lucky enough to crack the interview,

The annual salary can be up to $145,000.


Have you all ever dreamt of being a pilot?

Well, I had. Going over the sky watch

That is what a pilot does.

But that’s not true. There is always the need for a pilot.

responsible for the lives of passengers. To

To become a pilot, the applicant must have a

Bachelorâ€TMs degree This job can earn you

an average of $150,000 per year.

IT manager

In this tech era, IT is one of the most rapidly

growing sectors This field requires a

It is classified as

technology industry. An IT manager can earn


to $155,000 per year.

Petroleum engineer

I guess many of you have already got an idea.

What is a petroleum engineer? But let

Let me tell you something interesting. Petroleum

Engineers use their skills and educational

knowledge to solve important issues that will

This is why energy security leads to

These guys are highly demanded. Those job seekers

I can get paid $160,000 per year, but

Obviously, you must have a bachelor’s degree.



So, guys, an anesthesiologist is a kind of

A physician who administers medication to a patient

who undergoes surgery so the patient doesn’t

I feel the pain. If we talk about education,

This job definitely requires a doctorate.

And, can you guess the average salary is $260,000 per year.,

Let me reveal that. It is $260,000 per year.


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