Category: Blog


Bisket jatra highlight

भक्तपुरमा नौ दिन आठ रातसम्म परम्परागत विधिअनुसार मनाइने विश्वप्रसिद्ध बिस्का: जात्रा आज चैत २७ गते मंगलबारदेखि सुरु भएको छ ।


how to check See result with marksheet

Dear SEE Students: तपाईंको नतिजाको Grading system यस्तो रहनेछ ! कुनै पनि विद्यार्थी फेल हुने छैन !! Class 11 मा पढ्न पाउनु हुनेछ ।❤️🙌___________________________SEE Result Published भएपछि मात्र काम गर्छ है ।हतारमा नभेटिन सक्छ...


Who is Ari Dugarte? Biography, Wiki, Age, Lifestyle, Net worth

Ariana Dugarte started her  career as a bikini model.Then she made her youtube account called ‘Ari  Dugarte Try On’ where she posted many comedy,  tutorial, and modeling videos for  which she gained huge fan followers....


Khaby how he became famous

Khaby has 200 million followers and he doesn’t speak kabani lami the fastest growing creator in the world Before Khaby became famous He was a waiter and a factory worker making a total of...