Laravel Google Bar Chart

In Laravel, you can create a Google bar chart using the “laravel-gcharts” package.

  1. Install the “consoletvs/charts” package by running the command: composer require consoletvs/charts.
  2. In your controller, use the package to generate the chart data. For example:
use ConsoleTVs\Charts\Facades\Charts;

class MyController extends Controller {
    public function index() {
        $chart = Charts::create('bar', 'google')
                ->title('My Chart')

        return view('chart', compact('chart'));

3. In your view, display the chart by calling the chart variable:

<div class="container">
   {!! $chart->html() !!}

You can also customize the chart by passing options like title, labels, colors and more.

Note: Make sure you have enabled the Google Chart API and also have the API key, if you are using Google charts.

Anil Bajracharya

Developer,a tech enthusiastic who's passionate about learning new technology and programming Find me on linkedin linkedin

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